Bojana Šurbanoska

Two and half years ago, lost and scared, I was wondering through different workshops, coaches, ready for digging within, and bam, it seems I shovelled in the right spot, discovering Elena and Ars Lucida.

That girl who snaps easily, bangs the door, makes unneeded heavy drama in situations when that’s unnecessary , the girl who always needs to have the last say even if the whole world goes upside-down, she became just a pale memory, and she will soon I am convinced, completely disappear.

Personal development or self-awareness is for me one same thing. To me, this is a metaphor for “digging”, just in this case, digging inside ourselves. People are usually digging in pursuit of material gains (oil, family treasure, archeological rarities, etc.) looking for what’s visible with the eye and what has a high material worth. And while digging in this direction, we bury our own true values, wondering lost as exclusively physical bodies.

Two and half years ago, lost and scared, I was wondering through different workshops, coaches, ready for digging within, and bam, it seems I shovelled in the right spot, discovering Elena and Ars Lucida.

Encounter with Elena was love at first sight for me. I saw in her a lot of what I wanted for myself. That something, three years later, I understand that I also have, as you do, too! 🙂

Since I dug out Elena, I was motivated even further to continue digging deeper.

I dug within persistently, using different tools, such as meditation, holotropic breathing, I went back to previous times with non-hypnotic regression, to continue by learning benefits of Reiki. And while digging, persistently and sometimes tiredly, an oil geyser came out. Rush of forgotten emotions, hidden tears, compressed sorrow and anger, and all perfectly well masked and hidden from the eyes of the public. And beneath all this: rush of buried many talents, dreams and one cluster of beauty, joy and place for love for myself and others.

That girl who snaps easily, bangs the door, makes unneeded heavy drama in situations when that’s unnecessary , the girl who always needs to have the last say even if the whole world goes upside-down, she became just a pale memory, and she will soon I am convinced, completely disappear.

I perceive situations from a completely different perspective now, I am more patient, calmer, more emphatic, and my awareness about self and others is on the much higher level.

We all carry some modalities of behavior within us, and we live by them holding tightly to it, we believe what is served before our eyes, until the moment when we open the curtain in front of us. But believe me that view onto the sun without something blinding it, is more beautiful than anything else…

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